Congregational Outreach

Congregational Outreach: Bethel’s Healing Choir
The basic purpose of the Healing Choir is to embody, in a musical expression, the healing ministry to which Jesus calls his church (see, for example James 5:13-16 and Ephesians 5:19-20). Most of us have experienced Bethel as a place of healing and wholeness and through a process of prayer and discernment, we have been exploring how we might exemplify that healing and wholeness in ever-expanding ways.  The Healing Choir is one of them.  We minister to those members of our church and our community who need to experience the healing touch of Jesus.

The Healing Choir sings at healing services held here at Bethel, but our ministry goes beyond the walls of our sanctuary and into the community around us.  We respond whenever we are asked to sing, whether it is in a hospital room, a nursing home, a hospice or even somebody’s home.You don’t have to be a trained singer to be part of the Healing Choir.  If you can pick up a hymnal and sing from it, you have all the musical training we require.  If you are willing to look into the eyes of a hurting brother or sister and sing the healing peace of God to them in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ, you have all the spiritual qualifications you’ll ever need.

You will not be asked to commit yourself to rehearsals every week.  Rehearsals (and I’m hesitant to call them that; they’re more like gatherings) are once a month in the home of whoever is willing to host.  We share a meal, some laughs, some conversation about healing, some prayer, some singing and then we each head back home, basking in the glow of love, fellowship, and the grace of God.  Come if you’re able.  Don’t come if you’re too busy.  There’s never any pressure.

Commit this matter to prayer.  If you feel God might be leading you to be part of this ministry, please contact me at and give me your contact information and I’ll put you on the mailing list.  I look forward to hearing from you!