Children’s Ministries

Since its beginnings, Bethel has had a commitment to nurturing our children in the faith. We hold to the conviction that our sanctuary is not a sanctuary from children, but a sanctuary for children. We believe that God cares deeply about each of God’s children and including them in our worshipping life is a vital way to demonstrate that truth.

During Worship

Nursery care is available during the worship service, however, all children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary. Children who are beyond nursery age are invited to worship alongside their parents. At a designated time, all children in the service are invited to gather in the front for a specific children’s sermon. Immediately following this time, children are given bags filled with activities to help them engage in the sermon and worship service. Children will return to their seats and worship alongside their parents.

Throughout the calendar year, there are several specifically designated family events in which parents are invited to bring their children to the church for nurture and discipleship.

Sunday School

Sunday school takes place immediately following the weekly worship service on Sunday mornings at approximately 11:15am. Nursery care is available for our preschoolers and elementary-age children participate in a faith-formation class.